While loading these images to my Word Press image library I was trying to think of a hook, for a post title, and also a few words about the invitation. My immediate  thought was “birds of a feather”, since I love birds. Then  I thought perhaps I could speak to  the fact that we are mired in a debate on the health  of the Great Bay and how best to address the issue.   Wouldn’t it be fun I pondered,  to be surrounded by  like minded souls on the Leighton, enjoying a libation, or two. It certainly would  have the effect  of  feeling  part of something good, and important.  That you are not alone in your desire to do the right thing for the Great Bay and the region.Then the invite image, which I had not read, popped up on my screen, and there it was, “like- minded others.”

Get on board, you can purchase tickets by using the  link below.

www.brownpaper tickets.com
