P1040176P1040171Make sure to get down to Stewart Park to take a look. I am huddling with Luann Faber who adopted the space years ago,on some new plantings for the area . It’s all fill though, no soil, so we have to resort to mending specific areas .

Today I was working down there after Jeff Gallant of Exeter Monument Works  had set the stone in place. Jeff  really stepped up to the plate to fabricate for the EAGFWC a  beautiful marker.

He is an extraordinary artisan.

So, I  was hearing exactly what I expected as I worked  in the park , and it was gratifying.

“Oh , so that’s where this river goes”

“Mommy this river goes all  the way to the ocean!”

It is my hope also that everyone will keep an eye on this latest addition to Stewart Park to insure it stays fresh for a long time.

Thanks so much to all my friends in the Exeter Area GFWC for their generous support in bringing this project to fruition.

Have a wonderful weekend.
